Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Welcome to the Blogosphere

As is usual for me, here I am, joining part of the technological revolution, long after its considered revolutionary. I'm still not on the Facebook. I have a Youtube channel with a few goof videos I've made, mostly as pet projects or throwaways while I do video production for my day job. I entertained and then quickly ditched the idea of being on Google+. My LinkedIn profile collects more dust than contacts.

But I am on Twitter - I can prove it, just look for @ZachBabo...yup, that's me.

So after much prodding from my lovely girlfriend (who hears the majority of my diatribes), a few friends who haven't yet to tune me out, and a few others who have bothered to listen to me when I'm carrying on, I figured I would start a blog.

My blog is meant to be a lot of things probably. Perhaps at times a journal of particular instances from my life I want to expound. Occasionally I might use it as an open canvas for me to play with photography or video (or perhaps some other multimedia format I've been utilizing recently).

But what I'll hope to use it for most is a platform for discussion. I try to soak up whatever news I can during my day (or whatever qualifies as such these days, but I'll warn you now, if you're looking for celebrity gossip or some similarly vapid, pointless clutter, leave now...... in fact, do me a favor and leave the internet). I'll aim to share some of what I take in, and more importantly, use it as a springboard for further discussion, or a table setting to talk about a bigger issue.

I don't have the ego to say this is something you need to be reading. I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions or interpretations. I'll bet a lot of the news I find is already old hat or culturally pervasive, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of it is stuff you don't know or particularly care about either.

But if you stick around long enough to check it out, I hope you at least garner a reaction.

So I implore you, drink with this least one round...

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